On FC Mobile the new update has completely changed the league system, but the Activity Points system deserves a more in-depth analysis.
If you are looking for a guide on the new leagues I refer you to my complete guide. In this article I will explain the importance of activity points and how they work.

Not only are your Activity Points essential for earning rewards in your League's Rewards Menu, they will also count towards your League's Season Points total on the Leaderboard.


You can earn Activity Points for yourself (I'll explain why later) and for your league by actively contributing to completing a League Quest that hasn't been completed yet.

Quests will reset every month. So if you joined a league that had already completed all the quests, you can wait until the following month to contribute.

However, there is a limit to the contribution you can make per day by completing League Quests. This is a summary table.

For Activity Points there is both a daily limit, which you can see in this table, but also a weekly one. The weekly limit, of about 2500 points, is not displayed at the moment but in the future an in-game counter could arrive.

If your league has already completed the quests, don't be discouraged, because there is another way to earn Activity Points.


Another way to earn Activity Points, in addition to those from league quests, is by playing Division Rivals matches.

You can earn Activity Points by playing all game modes: Head to Head, Versus Attack and Manager Mode.

Earning points in this way has different limitations, in fact you can earn Activity Points for a maximum of 15 matches per week for each game mode. Each match, based on your level of play and the result of the match, will earn you Activity Points. Below is a summary table.

Optionally, you can earn 3 bonus Activity Points with a goal difference of 3 or more in Head to Head and Manager modes for up to 3 matches per week.

These two tables show the two ways to earn Activity Points, useful both for your league and its Leaderboard (your Activity Points and those of other League members will be added to Season Points) but also for yourself. If you want to know why they are important for yourself, continue reading.


With the new update on FC Mobile and the radical change of the Leagues, a mini rivalry between league members has also been created. A monthly mini challenge based on Rivalry Points.

Looking at the list of members of your league, you can see the number of Activity Points each of them has. But this is not just a list, it can be seen as a real leaderboard.

This is because the prize pool accumulated by the League and distributed at the end of the month will not be distributed in equal parts, but based on how much you have actually contributed to the League.

You can view your current rank and final reward in your League's Rewards Menu.

The better your monthly contribution to the League, as well as the level your League reaches, the higher the amount of League Tokens you will receive at the end of the month.


With the new update, the idea of ​​the League that we have always had has completely changed. I am starting to appreciate this system, it will take some time to get used to it. Probably users who like to grind the game will start to have significant advantages from the rewards. Probably some counters are still missing, especially to monitor the Activity Points of the Division Rivals, but the new path on FC Mobile seems interesting.